Infographic by Veracode Application Security
class test
int DoConstOp() const { return 0;}
int DoNotConstOp() { return 0;}
void process_as_const_ref(const test& t)
//t.DoNotConstOp();//Cannot build: cannot convert 'this' pointer from 'const test' to 'test &'
void process_as_const_ptr(const test* t)
//t->DoNotConstOp(); //Cannot build: cannot convert 'this' pointer from 'const test' to 'test &'
(const_cast<test*>(t))->DoNotConstOp(); //trick
void process_as_const_ptr_const(const test* const t)
//t->DoNotConstOp();//Cannot build: cannot convert 'this' pointer from 'const test' to 'test &'
(const_cast<test* const>(t))->DoNotConstOp(); //trick remove the const on the class not on pointer
//t++;//but this you can't do : 't' : you cannot assign to a variable that is const
void process_as_ptr_const(test* const t)
//t++;//but this you can't do : 't' : you cannot assign to a variable that is const
#container div.fixedbackgroundimg {
position: relative;
overflow: visible;
.fixedbackgroundimg.example {
background: url("") repeat-y fixed 50% center transparent !important;
<div class="fixedbackgroundimg example" data-type="background" data-speed="5">
<h2 class=""> test </h2>
<img src="" style="visibility: hidden; height: 500px" data-lazy-loaded="true"></img>
const color_code_map_t color_code = map_list_of (color_e::white, 'A')(color_e::blue, 'B')(color_e::green, 'C')(color_e::yellow, 'D')(color_e::orange, 'E')(color_e::red, 'F') ;
vector<char> elements;
std::for_each(color_code.begin(), color_code.end(), [&elements](const color_code_map_t::value_type& p) { elements.push_back(p.second); });
auto combi_found = combinations_with_repetitions(elements, TheHiddenCode.size());
std::cout << "total combination you can try = " << combi_found.size() << std::endl;
void combinations_with_repetitions_recursion(deque< vector<char> >& combi, const vector<char> &elems,
unsigned long req_len,
vector<unsigned long> &pos,
unsigned long depth)
// Have we selected the number of required elements?
if (depth >= req_len) {
vector<char> depth_r_combi;
for (unsigned long ii = 0; ii < pos.size(); ++ii){
depth_r_combi += elems[pos[ii]];
//copy(depth_r_combi.begin(), depth_r_combi.end(), ostream_iterator<char>(cout, " ")), cout << endl;
// Try to select new elements to the right of the last selected one.
for (unsigned long ii = 0; ii < elems.size(); ++ii) {
pos[depth] = ii;
combinations_with_repetitions_recursion(combi, elems, req_len, pos, depth + 1);
deque<vector<char>> combinations_with_repetitions(const vector<char> &elems, unsigned long r)
if(r > elems.size()){
throw std::logic_error("combination length (r) cannot be greater than the elements list (n)");
vector<unsigned long> positions(r, 0);
deque<vector<char>> combi;
combinations_with_repetitions_recursion(combi, elems, r, positions, 0);
return combi;
cout << "Code of " << TheHiddenCode.size() << " peg" << endl;
cout << "Number of try to guess " << nb_line << endl;
cout << "Color are ", for_each(color_code.begin(), color_code.end(), [](const color_t& c){cout << c.second << " " ;}), cout << endl;
while( exact < TheHiddenCode.size() && nb_try < nb_line) {
cout << "\n\nguess--> ", cin >> guess;
if(guess.size() == 4) {
exact = color = 0;
transform( begin(TheHiddenCode), end(TheHiddenCode),
begin(guess), begin(answer),
Count( TheHiddenCode, color, exact ) );
cout << "Answer => " << "Incorrect place " << color << " Correct place " << exact << " : " ,
copy(answer.begin(), answer.end(), ostream_iterator<char>(cout, " ")),
cout << endl;
} else {
cout << "incorrect number peg on the line" << endl;
struct Count {
Count( hidden_code_t code, int& incorrect_place, int& exact )
: incorrect_place_(incorrect_place), exact_(exact=0), code_(code) { }
char operator()( color_t c, char g ){
bool correct_place = (c.second == toupper(g));
if(correct_place) { //Argh, conditionnal are ugly !
return 'W';
} else {
//does that color be somewhere else in the code...
auto f = std::find_if(begin(code_), end(code_), [&g](const color_t& tobecheck_) { return (tobecheck_.second == toupper(g));} );
auto misplaced = (f != code_.end());
incorrect_place_ += (int) (misplaced);
return 'B';
return ' ';
int &incorrect_place_, &exact_;
hidden_code_t code_;