Yesterday, I unzipped several useful command line tools each in their respective folder and tried to add all those path in my PATH to easily access all tools from any command prompt, BUT ….
When I tried to copy/paste all the new path through the Environment Variables Editor, you can open from :
“Control Panel\System and Security\System”, click on “Advanced system settings”, select “Advanced” Tab and now click on the “Environment Variables” button…..
a shortcut will be welcome !
The Editor here has a 2048 characters limit. And I already have a too long path !!!!
An easy workaround from here was to use the “User” PATH as I’m the only user of my workstation it was fine.
But If you really need to update the PATH for all users you can use the registry editor (regedit.exe):
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment\Path
The Editor (rigth click on the key and select “Modiffy”) will allow you to use more characters.
But if one day your change are finally truncate, It could mean you hit the maximum of 32767 characters (CONSIDERING ALL YOUR VARIABLES ….)