I have more work to display the color code: A,B,C,D,E,F, to configure the program for a given number of try and to compute, but it's a correct improvement !
#include <string>
#include <map>
#include <algorithm>
#include <time.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
using namespace std;
#include "boost/assign.hpp"
using namespace boost::assign;
enum color_e { white = 0, blue, green, yellow, orange, red };
typedef map<color_e, char> color_code_map_t;
typedef pair<color_e, char> color_t;
typedef vector<color_t> guess_code_t;
typedef vector<color_t> hidden_code_t;
const color_code_map_t color_code = map_list_of (color_e::white, 'A')(color_e::blue, 'B')(color_e::green, 'C')(color_e::yellow, 'D')(color_e::orange, 'E')(color_e::red, 'F') ;
const auto comb_length = 4;
const auto nb_line = 8;
hidden_code_t TheHiddenCode(comb_length);
vector<bool> answer(comb_length);
//how many of 4(k) peg can make from 6(N) ==> N^k
string guess;
struct acc_char {
void operator () (color_t c) {
acc_ += c.second;
string get() {return acc_;}
string acc_;
template<typename T> string colorCodeString(const T& m) {
bool is_vector_of_peg = std::is_same<T, guess_code_t>::value || std::is_same<T, hidden_code_t>::value ;
return ""; //or throw ?
acc_char acc;
return std::for_each(begin(m), end(m), acc).get();
color_t ChooseRandomPeg() { return *color_code.find((color_e)(rand() % color_code.size())); }
struct Count {
Count( int& incorrect_place, int& exact )
: incorrect_place_(incorrect_place), exact_(exact=0) { }
bool operator()( color_t c, char g ){
exact_ += c.second == toupper(g);
return (c.second == toupper(g));
int &incorrect_place_, &exact_;
class WinnerOrLoser {
WinnerOrLoser(int exact, int code_length, int nb_try, int nb_line) : state_(false), msg_("not found") {
state_ = (exact == code_length);
stringstream builder;
if(state_) {
builder << "found in " << nb_try << "/" << nb_line;
msg_ = builder.str();
bool getState() {return state_;}
string getMsg() {return msg_;}
bool state_;
string msg_;
int main() {
int color, exact = color = 0;
srand( time(0) ),
generate( TheHiddenCode.begin(), TheHiddenCode.end(), ChooseRandomPeg );
int nb_try = 0;
while( exact < TheHiddenCode.size() && nb_try < nb_line) {
cout << "\n\nguess--> ", cin >> guess;
if(guess.size() == 4) {
transform( begin(TheHiddenCode), end(TheHiddenCode),
begin(guess), begin(answer),
Count( color, exact ) );
cout << color << ' ' << exact << " : " ,
for_each(answer.begin(), answer.end(), [](bool pegExact){ cout << ((pegExact) ? "T" : "F") ;}),
cout << endl;
} else {
cout << "incorrect number peg on the line" << endl;
cout << "Hidden code " << colorCodeString(TheHiddenCode) << " " << WinnerOrLoser(exact, TheHiddenCode.size(), nb_try, nb_line).getMsg() << "!\n";
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