You may know or not that defining a class or struct inside a function is possible but you may not be aware of all the issue you will meet when using that with the old C++98.
First thing, if you are using C++11 you can pass away, because in all case that feature will be correctly handle by recent compiler and debugger.
Now if your are still using a C++98 compiler or an old GCC, stay here and read the following:)
Definition in a function
In most case the following code will be function() { typedef struct myStruct { int num; myStruct (int n): num(n){} myStruct(const myStruct& ro):num(ro.num){} } mystruct_t; mystruct_t t(2); return t.num; }
But want will happened if you try to use that struct with an STL’s container, like vector, deque, etc….. Example
int function() { typedef struct myStruct { int num; myStruct (int n): num(n){} myStruct(const myStruct& ro):num(ro.num){} } mystruct_t; std::deque<mystruct_t> dq(10, mystruct_t(2)); return dq[0].num; }
In fact here we have 2 different scenario:
- you are using GCC and it will not compile, because it’s not a C++98 compliant code
- you are using VC++2008 and it will compile, but you will meet weird debugger behavior on that piece of code.
In C++98, you cannot use local class or struct with template type. This restriction is part of the standard. The reasoning was originally that local structures don't really have a names and thus it would be impossible to instantiate a template with them.So as said if VC++2008 allow that code to compile, you will not be able to see what you have in your deque… Like in the snapshot below.

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